Emerito 2.8 Automatic Twist-Off Steam Capping Machine, Stainless Steel


1-Used emerito model 2.8 stainless steel automatic twist-off steam capping machine, machine # 0405-e99. Rated up to approx. 150 containers per minute, this capper was last running caps in the 82mm, 70mm and 32mm sizes, but can run additional sizes as well. With automatic height adjustment for different jar heights, capper is supplied with emerito stainless steel cap hopper/bin with motorized belt style cap elevator and cap chute. With variable speed adjustment, capper has approx. 4″ wide stainless steel tabletop conveyor chain. Further details available upon request. (stock # 7484b)


  • Capacity/Model: 2.8
  • Brand: Emerito
  • Stock #: 7484B