Flexicon portable screw conveyor system, all stainless


1-Used Flexicon screw conveyor system, Model 1600, S/N 62272.  Equipped with approximately 5 inch diameter screw within approximately 6-1/2 inch diameter housing.  Built with 3A style design, system has stainless steel framework and is on casters for portability.  With approximately 50 inch by 50 inch floor level hopper, screw is driven by 2HP 3 phase, 60 cycle 208-230/460 volt “washguard” motor.  Hopper has internal “pre-breaker” separately driven by fractional HP electric motor. Equipped with stainless steel starter box/control center with Allen Bradley controller, hopper has “Binmaster” hopper level indicator instrument.  Overall screw length is approximately 10 feet and unit is currently designed for discharge height at approximately 7 ft. 2 in. high. (Stock# 7879H)


  • Capacity/Model: 1600
  • Brand: Flexicon
  • Stock #: 7879H