Filamatic Eight Piston Automatic Filling Machine, 520 cc Pistons


1-Used National Instrument Company Filamatic Eight Head Automatic Piston Filler Model 400-8-520, S/N 013257.  Presently equipped with six (6) 520cc pistons, two additional pistons are available to make it an eight piston filler if necessary.  Filler has approx. 18-1/2 ft. long Stainless Steel Indexing Conveyor with approx. 3-1/4 in. wide plastic tabletop chain.  On casters for portability, Filler last used in personal care products manufacturer.  (Stock 7939G)


  • Capacity/Model: EIGHT PISTON
  • Brand: Filamatic
  • Stock #: 7939G