PackWest 4 Piston Straight Line Filling Machine, 32 Ounce Pistons


1-Used PackWest 4 Cylinder Piston Filling Machine, S/N 4B-PF-SV-1002.  Rated  up to 80 containers per minute (speed dependent on viscosity and size of containers), Filler has four (4) approx. 3 in. diameter X 12 in. long pistons.  Conveyor measures approx. 112 in. long and is equipped with air indexing cylinders and an approx. 4-1/2 in. wide plastic tabletop chain.  Presently equipped with four (4) approx. 3/4 in. diameter nozzles, Filler has stainless steel manifold and is on casters for portability.  (Stock # 8438C)


  • Capacity/Model: 4 PISTON
  • Brand: Packwest
  • Stock #: 8438C