Simplex Twin Head Automatic Piston Filler With Indexing Conveyor


1-Used Simplex Model”T” Automatic Twin Head Piston Filler, S/N 4202.  Rated up to approx. 40 containers per minute, Filler has stainless steel cylinders measuring approx.  3 in. diameter X 14 in. long.  Equipped with approx. 28 in. diameter top mounted stainless steel conical hopper.  Filler driven by 1 hp 3/60/208-230-460 volt motor.  Supplied with Simplex approx. 8 ft. long motorized Indexing Conveyor with pneumatic indexing cylinders and approx. 4-1/2 in. wide Plastic Tabletop Conveyor Chain.  (Stock #8019A)


  • Capacity/Model: Twin Piston
  • Brand: Simplex
  • Stock #: 8019A