30 Gallon Lee 316 SS Double Motion Mixing Kettle, Tilt-Out Agitation


1-Used Lee 30 Gallon Type 316 Stainless Steel Jacketed Double Motion Mixing Kettle, Model 12D9MT, S/N 71152-1.  Kettle Dimensions approx. 18 In. diameter X 16 In. deep, kettle is equipped with a double motion scraper agitator. Equipped with a two-zone jacket, with a rating 90PSI at 332 Deg. F., code stamped.  Equipped with 2 HP and 1.5 HP “piggyback” motors, each 3/60/230-460 Volt. Equipped with a water-actuated cylinder for tilt-out of the entire agitation assembly.   Kettle mounted on approx. 25 In. high stainless steel legs and has a center bottom discharge with a Lee “fluid-flow” hand-operated ball valve.  With a two-piece hinged lid, the kettle has a Pyromation thermowell for temperature control.  (Stock #8155B)


  • Capacity/Model: 30 GALLON
  • Brand: Lee
  • Stock #: 8155B