225 Gallon Willflow Stainless Steel Dimple Jacket Tank, 50 PSI Jacket


1-Used Willflow approx. 225 Gallon Stainless Steel sides and bottom are Dimple Jacketed Tank, S/N 39023.  Dimensions approx. 39 in. diameter X 46 in. on straight side.  Tank has approx. 3 in. diameter bottom outlet.  Mounted on approx. 36 in. high legs.  Jacket rated 50 PSI @ 300 degrees F, National Board # 4383, Code Stamped.   NOTE: DIMPLE JACKET HAS LEAKS THIS VESSEL BEING SOLD AS A SINGLE SHELL TANK, AND REPAIRS TO JACKET ARE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER  (Stock #8020F)


  • Capacity/Model: 225 Gallon
  • Brand: Willflow
  • Stock #: 8020F