60 Gallon Befco Stainless Steel Jacketed Double Motion Kettle, Tilt Out Agitation
1-Used Befco approx. 60 Gallon Stainless Steel Jacketed Double Motion Mix Kettle, S/N B07-1129. Dimensions approx. 30 in. diameter X 28 in. deep, Kettle is jacketed for 90 PSI @300 degrees F, National Board #142, Code stamped. Equipped with double motion scraper agitator driven by 3 HP and 1.5 HP motors, both 3/60/230-460 volt. With handwheel for tilt discharge, Kettle has self-contained pneumatic cylinder for automatic tilt out of agitator assembly. Mounted on stainless base, Kettle has two-piece stainless lid. Last used in food production. (Stock # 8202E)