Fryma VME-20 316L SS Homogenizing/De-Aeration Mixer


1-Used Fryma Model VME-20 Liter 316L Stainless Steel Jacketed Homogenizing/De-Aeration Mixer, S/N M-16612.  Interior tank dimensions approx. 14 In. diameter X 15 In. deep.  This jacketed unit is equipped with side scraping agitation, off-center highspeed mixer and off-center de-aeration system. Equipped with three top mounted fractional HP motors for each agitator, electrical specifications, 3/60/220 Volt.  Suitable for use in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries, equipment useful for mixing, homogenizing, emulsifying etc. Equipped with self container motorized vacuum pump (Stock #8415B)


  • Capacity/Model: VME-20
  • Brand: Fryma
  • Stock #: 8415B